Housing Based Case Management

Persons experiencing *chronic homelessness will be supported in finding and maintaining housing with the support of a Housing Based Case Manager or Intensive Case Manager. Participants in the program will agree to pay rent and work with a case manager on a weekly basis, or more, depending on need, to achieve stable permanent housing and have a successful tenancy.

Access to case management supports starts by registering with the city’s Coordinated Access System’s By-Name List – You can contact our intake workers at 204 Pine Street – John Howard Society of Sudbury at 705-673-9576 or by cell phone 705-207-7621; or with our Community Outreach Team by calling 705-207-8285.

*Chronically homeless is defined as 6 months or more of living in the streets, in shelters, institutions or “couch surfing” (hidden homelessness)

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI)

The Centre de santé communautaire du Grand Sudbury-Homelessness Network is a community initiative that provides financial assistance to help individuals who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. In case of emergency, financial assistance may be provided to eligible clients as a last resort to prevent evictions, utility disconnections and secure permanent housing. This program is for clients who are not receiving income support from Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). If the client is receiving either OW or ODSP, they must be referred to their individual caseworker to apply for the CHPI fund through Ontario Works.

Clients must apply for the CHPI-assistance, provide the required documentation, and the case worker must review the file in order to determine the client’s eligibility.


Low-Income Energy Assistance Plan (LEAP)
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
Weekly Housing List