A case management program that assists individuals and families find and maintain their housing.

Sudbury’s Homelessness Network is comprised of a partnership of six community-based agencies. Each agency has staff hired for and dedicated to the Homelessness Network’s goals.
Homelessness networks and Housing First programs exist as strategies to help end homelessness. They are meant to assist those who experience episodic and chronic homelessness.
Funding for the Network comes from a partnership agreement with the City of Greater Sudbury and is part of its Housing and Homelessness Plan and Housing First Strategy.

The following agencies form the collaborative partnership called The Homelessness Network (H.N.):

Association des jeunes de la rue – Community Outreach
Provide street and shelter outreach
cell – (705) 207-8285

Homelessness Network Site
Provides Central Intake, case management and coordination of the H.N.

Coordinator of Homelessness Network
(705) 207-5518

Elizabeth Fry Society N.E.O.
204 Elm
(705) 673-1364

John Howard Society of Sudbury
(705) 207-7621 or
(705) 673 9576
Provides Central Intake and intensive case management (1 ICMs)
204 Pine Street, Sudbury

N’Swakamok Friendship Centre
(705) 674-­2128
Provides case management
110 Elm Street, Sudbury

Quick Links

Weekly Housing List
Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI)
(705) 618-8810
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
(705) 618-8810
Low-Income Energy Assistance Plan (LEAP)
(705) 618-8810
January 3, 2018

Street Wise

Street Wise is a small handbook, created in partnership with the City of Sudbury, comprising…